iona-digest Sunday, November 9 1997 Volume 97 : Number 022 . _ _ _ |(_)| )(_| Discussion List (digest) _______________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 07 Nov 1997 22:49:31 -0600 From: Aaron Thomas Pierce Subject: Re: iona Re: Top 5 . _ _ _ |(_)| )(_| Discussion List _______________ > My (current) top Christian 5 bands/artists (in no particular order): Iona Jars of Clay Sixpence none the richer Dryve eureka (I'm a bit biased, seeing that I'm the guitarist. Oh, and no, we aren't really good. It is currently "just for fun") - -Aaron ______________ To unsubscribe send an e-mail command to In the body of the message type ONLY the following: unsubscribe iona or visit ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 8 Nov 1997 07:26:50 -0600 (CST) From: Jason Savoie Subject: iona Re: introducing myself . _ _ _ |(_)| )(_| Discussion List _______________ Dave Taylor wrote: " I was into... other more obscure groups like Ethos," "Ethos?" Obscure indeed! I use to see them play live in and near Fort Wayne, Indiana--where they were from. "Ethos Ardour" was the full name. They were used a few times--believe it or not--by a Christian ministry called the "Adam's Apple" in Fort Wayne back in the 70's to draw in the kids. Ethos played along with Phil Keaggy in Fort Wayne's Adam's Apple a few times. They weren't a "Christian" band, but they were a great progressive rock band. After they put out a few albums, they split up. Must have been too much pressure. Jason S ______________ To unsubscribe send an e-mail command to In the body of the message type ONLY the following: unsubscribe iona or visit ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 08 Nov 1997 14:00:40 +0000 From: Martin Dean Subject: Re: iona Former prog fans . _ _ _ |(_)| )(_| Discussion List _______________ >Hi! It seems that there are lots of former prog fans on this list. Me, >too. I started to listen to music in 68 and it soon filled my days and >nights. Although I listened to all kinds of stuff, like pop and rock >(Cream, Deep Purple, Sabbath, Zeppelin etc.), I became a huge prog fan >in the 70s. My favourites were King Crimson, Yes, Jethro Tull, early >Genesis, Banco (from Italy), Spring, Comus, Gnidrolog, ELP, Renaissance >etc. etc. And it isn't any wonder that I now, being a Christian for 16 >years, regard Iona as one of the best Christian artists there is. But I >get a musical kick out of lots of other artists, like Adam Again, Over >The Rhine, The 77s, Martha's Wake, Rick Wakeman, Kerry Livgren/AD, >Sixpence, Saviour Machine, Fourth Estate etc. > BTW, where are the results of the Iona Top 5 we gave our votes to? >Who was doing that? Don't remember myself. > I think there are plenty of reasons for the Iona/prog crossover. I think the first reason for this is due to the music itself. It fulfils all the criteria of classic progressive music. Arrangements that are made to suit the music, not to confirm to the Verses/Chorus/Verse.. etc, pattern (unless that's what fits). It is also very dynamic, using different moods, tempos and instrumentation in a single song, a technique used by classical music for centuries. The most important factor in all this, and this applies to all of the classic progressive artists, is that they sound like nobody else. Sure you can here influences in there from other bands, but the way the band has put it all together is unique. Probably the most distinctive thing about the classic 70's progressive rock was their diversity, progressive is (or was) a genre that had no stylistic, instrumentation, content, attitude or image rules. If you take Hubert's list above you can see that most of these artists have totally different sounds and styles. Of course the band themselves, I suspect mainly due to Dave, have shown there influences. Dave used to play keyboards in a Genesis tribute band (called Exodus). Tim Harries (one of their previous bass players) has played with such acts as Bill Bruford's Earthworks (ex-Yes). We have also seen a guest spot for Robert Fripp, King Crimson's main man and Peter Gabriel collaborator. We also know that Steve Howe (of Yes, Asia, GTR) was going to do a guest slot, but sadly couldn't make it. The last studio album saw the contribution of Marie Brennan from Clannad (one of the artists that has a slight prog tinge). Finally there is the bands friendship with Rick Wakeman (ex Strawbs, ex Yes, also ex Yes and ex Yes, err...ex Yes again), lets hope they work together at some point. The band themselves have been embraced by the British prog fraternity (i.e the Classic Rock Society) and in my opinion are a much more original progressive band than most of the early-Marillion influenced bands that claim to be original prog. I have even seen the band described as 'Celtic progressive folk' or some combination of this. I am of course biased toward progressive music, being a self confessed proggy (although I enjoy all kinds of music from Alanis Morisette to The The to The Cure to Billy Joel to Sky). For my dream gig would be Iona and Marillion supporting Genesis. Three bands that alone can blow anyone else off the stage. My biggest regret was the cancelling of the Genesis US tour as I had an invite to the UK dress rehearsal for the Genesis tour, which would have meant I would have seen my three favourite bands in the space of a couple of weeks. OK I'll stop rambling now... Martin "The Man In The Coat" Dean Cinema Engineer, Official Genesis Web Site Contributor Martin's bit of the web: Official Genesis Web Site: ______________ To unsubscribe send an e-mail command to In the body of the message type ONLY the following: unsubscribe iona or visit ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 8 Nov 1997 14:12:11 -0500 (EST) From: Subject: iona Re:Iona, and rolling a joint? . _ _ _ |(_)| )(_| Discussion List _______________ In a message dated 97-11-08 09:54:01 EST, you write: << Has this ever happened to any of you? I loaned a tape of some Iona music to a fellow church member, who happens to play guitar and sing. When he saw me later, he said that when he listened to Iona, he felt like rolling a joint. >> I can sympathize with the sentiment. I think that biggest part of the reason that the average person hears a piece of music and labels it "drug-induced" (or inducing) is really it's inherent spirituality. I don't think that a series of notes or harmonies can be either good or evil on their own, but an artist's spiritual sensibilities nearly always come through. The music of Yes, Peter Gabriel, Sting, Pink Floyd, and Tears for Fears have all caught my ear in this regard. For many years, it was a point of some distress for me that there seemed to be an alarming lack of that type of spiritual sensibility in the Christian recording industry. I guess I thought, who better to embrace the spiritual power of music than someone who understood the power's Source. There were many who had a high score in the "religous lingo per minute" count, but seemingly none who saw music as the awesome form of communication between like spirits that I now know it to be. That all changed the day a drummer friend of mine introduced me to Iona. I don't remember exactly, but I think I almost wet myself! I was disillusioned, transported, and musically fulfilled in one glorious burst of sound. I didn't know music like that existed that was directed not only at the heights of musical excellence, but also at praising my Creator and King. Anyway, enough of my ramblings. I guess what I wanted to say was that I think many mislabel music when they sense the spiritual implications of it and have no frame of reference as to how they should categorize something so capable of being bigger than theirselves. (So why couldn't I have just said that?) Kendrick Sams ______________ To unsubscribe send an e-mail command to In the body of the message type ONLY the following: unsubscribe iona or visit ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 8 Nov 1997 20:24:26 +0100 From: (regina van der steeg) Subject: Re: iona Top 5 . _ _ _ |(_)| )(_| Discussion List _______________ Hello from Holland (read this with a Dutch accent!) Joe wrote: > I thought it would be interesting see what other >Christian music the list listens to besides Iona. Below are my top five >Christian artists. After Iona is was hard to choose the rest. > Well, I'm afraid that I can't make a top 5 of christian bands (although I have five Iona albums...). But of course you'ld all like to know what kind of music this Dutch teletext-editor likes: 1. Iona 2. Celtic music (traditional, rock, classical and everything else) 3. Classical music (modern, or The Messiah, no Mozart, Bach and that kind of composers) 4. ehhhh, 5. ehhhh, some popular music (Mike Batt, Supertramp, Allen Parsons or easy radio-music) and some christian music (Rich Mullins, Adrian Snell - Song of an Excile, Alabaster Jar (Hi Trish!!). Depends on my mood. I know, it's a weird top five, but that's me! :-)) And I think point 2 and 3 make clear why I like Iona so much: some parts are really celtic, some parts are really orchestral (if that is a word) and together with great drum-playing it's the unique sound of nr. 1: Iona! - ------ regina - ------ ______________ To unsubscribe send an e-mail command to In the body of the message type ONLY the following: unsubscribe iona or visit ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 08 Nov 1997 02:43:28 -0800 From: Rick Davis Subject: Re: iona Top 5's . _ _ _ |(_)| )(_| Discussion List _______________ Well, OK. Here's my top 5 list after an introduction. I just joined the Iona Discussion List recently. I play acoustic guitar (Gibson 12-string), piano/keyboards and percussion (drums and orchestral percussion). My favorite styles of music are baroque, some jazz (no bees-in-the-jar stuff), symphonies, progressive rock, other classical, some country, some blues, much celtic...... I have played in High School and College symphonic bands and orchestras, High School Stage Band, Marching bands (go FSU Marching Chiefs!), Christian rock bands, on praise and worship teams (as a member and as a Worship Leader), and for various church Christmas musicals with live orchestra. Currently I am on the Church of the Holy Cross (Episcopal) Praise Team singing and playing guitar, some judicious percussion, and keyboards. I have a set of Slingerland red sparkle drums, a JUNO-106, TX81Z, KORG SYMPHONY, and a recently acquired Kurzweil PC88mx, as well as the aforementioned guitar. Now, on to the top 5 list. My top five favorite Christian musicians/groups are: Iona J.S. Bach Out of the Grey (in their guitar-only, pre-band days, especially) the late Rich Mullins The Church of the Holy Cross (Episcopal) Praise team Charlie Peacock Hildegard Von Bingen (with Richard Souther) Synaxis (a local progressive rock band who happen to all be evangelical Christians - I am not a member of the band) Seawind Handel Oops! That's more than 5! Oh, well. They are in order of current listening priority. I have all Iona's CDs. Iona, the first, was my favorite CD of the decade, until the next came out. BUT - Heaven's Bright Sun is incredible, inspiring, healing! Their music combines most of the styles and elements I love in music - it's progressive rock with classical, jazz and celtic influences. AND they are Christians! They are at the top of my list for a reason. I have read many of you are sad they are taking a sabbatical, but I cannot relate, since the only contact I've had with them is through their CDs. You are blessed in this - that you have been able to see and hear them live (of course the live CD is wonderful, but still not the same. I understand your feeling of loss over the sabbatical, but the great thing about feeling that is that you have had a reason to fell it - i.e., you have had a more constant contact with the band through concerts, and that to me would be a very special thing, so in a way feeling the loss means you had something valuable there (and still do and will). Enough for now. I enjoy reading the postings for this Discussion List, even some of the non-Iona related stuff. Remember: You can't tell by how ya feel, how ya are. May the peace of the Father, and the love of the Son, and the power of the Holy Spirit encircle and enfold you, and keep you this day. Rick Davis ______________ To unsubscribe send an e-mail command to In the body of the message type ONLY the following: unsubscribe iona or visit ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 08 Nov 1997 06:09:32 -0800 From: Rick Davis Subject: Re: iona Top 5 . _ _ _ |(_)| )(_| Discussion List _______________ Ditto! Remember: You can't tell by how ya feel, how ya are. May the peace of the Father, and the love of the Son, and the power of the Holy Spirit encircle and enfold you, and keep you this day. Rick ______________ To unsubscribe send an e-mail command to In the body of the message type ONLY the following: unsubscribe iona or visit ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 08 Nov 1997 16:31:55 -0800 From: Sarah Subject: iona Re: Top 5 . _ _ _ |(_)| )(_| Discussion List _______________ Hello Everyone, Here are my list of the top five groups/artists split up into catagories by genre. Christian Iona Sixpence None the Richer Jeff Johnson U2 early Sheila Walsh Secular Renaissance Loreena McKennitt Clannad/Maire Brennan The Police/Sting Alan Parsons Project Soundtracks/musicals The Peacemaker The Last of the Mohicans Cats Seven Years in Tibet Jaurasic Park I'm having fun with this list, thoroughly enjoying reading other lists, and becoming aware of other musicians and artists I might a listen to if I can only track down their CDs. Cheers, Sarah Perelli-Minetti Bakersfield, CA (two hours north of Los Angeles) ______________ To unsubscribe send an e-mail command to In the body of the message type ONLY the following: unsubscribe iona or visit ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 8 Nov 1997 22:17:55 -0500 (EST) From: Subject: Re: iona RE: IONA IS ANYBODY OUT THERE . _ _ _ |(_)| )(_| Discussion List _______________ In a message dated 97-11-07 21:02:25 EST, you write: << I'd love to know how he approaches drumming >> Chris, When I talked to Terl in Hurfville he was telling me about a wonderful thing he is involved in ( I even think he started it) He gets together with a bunch of drummers and they get one drum (preferably their favorite one) and they all sit in a circle and play unto the Lord and worship Him with their instrument. It is so cool. He was quite taken by the concept and was very excited at the way it was going. As a drummer myself I am very blessed by his Ideas on the subject. Also he was one of the nicest people I have ever met. The whole band was very accessible Mat Kerlin ______________ To unsubscribe send an e-mail command to In the body of the message type ONLY the following: unsubscribe iona or visit ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 08 Nov 1997 11:27:42 -0800 From: Rick Davis Subject: Re: iona RE: IONA IS ANYBODY OUT THERE . _ _ _ |(_)| )(_| Discussion List _______________ wrote: > > . _ _ _ > |(_)| )(_| > Discussion List > _______________ > > In a message dated 97-11-07 21:02:25 EST, you write: > > << I'd love to know how he approaches drumming >> > Chris, > > When I talked to Terl in Hurfville he was telling me about a wonderful thing > he is involved in ( I even think he started it) He gets together with a > bunch of drummers and they get one drum (preferably their favorite one) and > they all sit in a circle and play unto the Lord and worship Him with their > instrument. It is so cool. He was quite taken by the concept and was very > excited at the way it was going. As a drummer myself I am very blessed by > his Ideas on the subject. Also he was one of the nicest people I have ever > met. > The whole band was very accessible > > Mat Kerlin > That is really great. As a drummer having played in praise bands, I know it is hard to find drummers who are really sensitive to the Spirit. It sounds like these drummers are getting the opportunity to get before the Lord and develop that sensitivity. And if Terl is doing that, it's no wonder the Iona music is so good - a taste of heaven! - -- Remember: You can't tell by how ya feel, how ya are. May the peace of the Father, and the love of the Son, and the power of the Holy Spirit encircle and enfold you, and keep you this day. Rick ______________ To unsubscribe send an e-mail command to In the body of the message type ONLY the following: unsubscribe iona or visit ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 8 Nov 1997 23:38:01 -0500 (EST) From: Subject: Re: iona Top 5 . _ _ _ |(_)| )(_| Discussion List _______________ Gary Stokes' top 5-(besides Iona) 1)Phil Keaggy 2)Larry Norman 3)Ressurection Band 4)DC Talk 5)Third Day ______________ To unsubscribe send an e-mail command to In the body of the message type ONLY the following: unsubscribe iona or visit ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 08 Nov 1997 22:58:38 -0600 From: Judah Stephens Subject: iona Just wondering . _ _ _ |(_)| )(_| Discussion List _______________ > Remember: You can't tell by how ya feel, how ya are. I am not well-versed w Iona's songs and am still relatively new to the list. In every response I receive from people, there is always this line (above) somewhere in their message. Is it from a song or interview or somewhere else? Just wondering. Judah, Chicago, USA ______________ To unsubscribe send an e-mail command to In the body of the message type ONLY the following: unsubscribe iona or visit ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 8 Nov 1997 21:14:53 -0800 (PST) From: Jon Newswanger Subject: iona Jeff Johnson? . _ _ _ |(_)| )(_| Discussion List _______________ - ---Sarah wrote: > > Iona > Sixpence None the Richer > Jeff Johnson > U2 > early Sheila Walsh > Is Jeff Johnson the guy who did that trilogy of albums based on Steven Lawhead's _Song of Albion_ Trilogy? If it is we had him in chapel at the university where I attended, good stuff. Oh, and while I'm thinking about it, how on earth could I not put Sixpence and Charlie Peacock in my top 5 (now 7)? === *********************************************************** * Jon Newswanger * I press on toward * * ESL Instructor * the goal... * * Western Mennonite School * Philippians 3:15 (Paul * * Salem, OR * must have been a forward) * *********************************************************** Go USA/PIONEERS/MOLDOVA/CREW/FC CZ JENA/FC METZ/GERMANY __________________________________________________________________ Sent by Yahoo! Mail. Get your free e-mail at ______________ To unsubscribe send an e-mail command to In the body of the message type ONLY the following: unsubscribe iona or visit ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 9 Nov 1997 11:55:44 -0500 (EST) From: (Jason Williams) Subject: iona News from Iona . _ _ _ |(_)| )(_| Discussion List _______________ Hello all, This is Jason Williams, from the unoffical Iona site in the US. Rob told me that he has talked to Kathy Bunker and that Iona is currently in the works for setting up an official site in England. I hope this would keep all of us informed better, since Iona can have direct control over the content. We will keep you informed with any new details....Thanks..Jason Williams Here's my most listened to Albums: In no order Iona: Beyond These Shores Sting: The Soul Cages Phil Keaggy: Beyond Nature Eric Johnson: Ah Via Musicom & Venus Isle King's X: Gretchen Goes To Nebraska Allan Holdsworth: Wardenclyffe Tower Pink Floyd: The Division Bell Iona: HBS Dixie Dregs: Bring em Back Alive And plenty more.... Later ______________ To unsubscribe send an e-mail command to In the body of the message type ONLY the following: unsubscribe iona or visit ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 09 Nov 1997 17:53:19 +0000 (GMT) From: James Stewart Subject: iona Barefoot In The Grass/The Old Pipe On The Hob . _ _ _ |(_)| )(_| Discussion List _______________ Can anybody tell me anything about the origin of these pieces used on Terl's latest solo album? James. - -- James Stewart - The Britlinks The Phantom Tollbooth (Associate Editor) - -- 'The days they rattle past me, like a tunnel round a train/Landscapes and heartaches, I don't know what I feel/All I know is my condition is worse than I can tell/The small talk and the slow burn and I just wanna get healed' - Mark Heard ______________ To unsubscribe send an e-mail command to In the body of the message type ONLY the following: unsubscribe iona or visit ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 09 Nov 1997 19:46:07 +0000 From: Lee Halbert Subject: iona David Bainbridge . _ _ _ |(_)| )(_| Discussion List _______________ Check out the latest news that David Fitzgerald and David Bainbridge are working together again, its in the latest 'prayer letter' element of the site. cheers Lee Halbert ______________ To unsubscribe send an e-mail command to In the body of the message type ONLY the following: unsubscribe iona or visit ------------------------------ End of iona-digest V97 #22 ************************** ______________ To unsubscribe send an e-mail command to In the body of the message type ONLY the following: unsubscribe iona-digest or visit